Fare ye well, oh trusted companion
Dearest Mazzy,
Even though we've said our goodbyes and I will never have the pleasure of holding your smooth steering wheel in my hands again, I shall never forget you.
I shall never forget how you taught me to drive, even though we failed our first test together. And I will never forget the way you looked at me with such pride when I finally passed that test. Or the way you smiled when I vacuumed your insides. Even though you smelled like smoke and people complained, you were always sugar and spice to me.
I will never forget the way you would bat your eyes at other cars; your courtesy and friendliness always reaching out to other road-raged automobiles.
And I most certainly shall never forget the way you giggled every time I inserted my key into your ignition.
And even though you didn't cry when that taxi hit you right before Christmas, I knew how much you were hurting. And even though your ability to play music was waning, I knew how hard you were trying to bring those songs to my ears. I knew how much you loved the music, and how much you loved to dance.
Even though you are being replaced in the parking lot, you will never be replaced in my heart.
Here's hoping that Mazda heaven will be traffic-free and turtle-wax abundant.
Yours forever and ever,
Jessie xo