Dear whom ever decided to put oceans in between countries and make them far apart and not easily accessible,
I have recently been split from my Lovah due to the Atlantic Ocean. Now, this was my decision because I needed more for my life; More opportunity, more stimulation, more noise, more chaos, more dreaming. You get it. My lovah, who is on that small island I left, will not be with me for quite some time. This upsets me. Thanks to YOU, we have been fighting for 2 days now. And, get this, it's getting worse. Fuck MSN messenger. It breaks hearts. It makes me cry. It leads to misinterpretation and misunderstanding, thus esculating the drama. Cell phone bills are hella expensive, so fuck cell phones too. Skype has helped, but all in all, nothing works quite well enough, so while I'm at it, fuck skype.
You know what that means? That's right, FUCK YOU.
Yours sincerely PISSED OFF,
Jessica, aka the girl who's crying and hates you.