
Confessions of a desperate actor with a bad case of island fever.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Learn to Wake-up

Unlock your head,
Loosen the rein,
Find your soul,
Find your brain.

Boggle your mind,
Invite confusion.
Persuade perplexity,
Welcome illusion.

Your mind in a muddle,
Your cerebrum in overdrive,
Stop for a minute.......
Feel your thoughts alive.

Be aware of this earth,
Of the other lives.
Parallel breath,
Coincidental cries.

Brainstorm for peace,
Plan for progression,
Just find a way
To fight the regression.

This life lacks empathy,
So find your supply,
Think of our future
Don't let it run dry.

So think long and hard
What can you do?
Educate others but
First Educate You.

Insight is the new intelligence.
Confuse yourself,
Then find Relevance.


Blogger Warrior Princesse Alathariel said...

okay, I will.

1:44 PM  
Blogger The ArtofBeingMe said...

i've been needing to write. it feels good

10:39 PM  

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